You might remember Andrew and Andrea from their wedding I photographed back in 2014. They were geniunley one of the sweetest couples I ever had the pleasure of meeting and their love for each other and the importance of family was so apparent. Fast forward three years and look at them now! It only makes sense that these two are embarking on creating their own little family.
There’s nothing quite like that space in time of expecting your FIRST baby to be born! All of the anticipation. Of wondering what he or she will look like (they are waiting to find out the gender!), all of those little kicks reminding you that your baby is safe in there, the exciting doctor visits to see those kicks via ultrasound, planning the nursery and the nesting, picking out itty bitty clothes, marveling at the fact that your baby is the size of a grain of rice and then slowly but surely it becomes the size of a melon, that melon catching up to you and feeling like you don’t have an inch to spare in that new body of yours. Until the moment you are so beyond eager to meet your baby that you are on the verge of breaking down in tears if God forbid the baby goes over it’s due date (just me?) 😉
Andrew and Andrea, I’m SO thrilled for you both! And I cannot wait to find out if “it’s” a baby boy or a baby girl! Regardless of what your sweet baby turns out to be, I do know one thing for sure. You two are in for your whole entire life to change in an instant, for your whole entire hearts to burst in an instant, to know in an instant that you are forever blessed by this miracle. And to understand in an instant that now life has truly begun.
Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Bergen!