After much rain and more to come (kind of a big deal in So Cal!), we have had a bit of a break. The sun is back to shining and the fields and hills are glowing beautiful green and warm tones. It was absolutely stunning and this photographer’s dream come true.
I was so excited to photograph the Garcias and to capture this season of blossoming, not only in nature but also for this loving family. Their newest addition Isaac was born just about the same time they closed on their new home! Talk about a season of blossoming! Such an exciting time and so perfect that their incredible team who helped them purchase their new home (Jerry, Michelle & Nicole of the LaMott Group at Surterre Properties) gifted them this session so that they could hang their new family of FOUR photos on their NEW walls! LOVE that!
Kristel has been one of my best friends for twenty years. Twenty. So crazy writing this because I still remember meeting her for the first time when we were fourteen years old in some freshman high school class. Through all the growing pains that happen in life during those years; losing friendships, gaining new ones, first cars, first heart breaks, parties, turning twenty-one, attending the same college, backpacking all through Europe for a month together at twenty-three, learning more about ourselves, changing, finding our true loves, engagement parties, bachelorette parties, our weddings and then having our first born babies due ONE day apart and being BORN forty-three MINUTES apart. Wow. How did we survive? I’m not quite sure but I’m proud of us. Even more so, I’m proud of Kristel and Brian and the family they have built. Those boys are so lucky to have them.
Cheers to still being the Queen of the Castle and to lots of incredible memories to come!