I look forward to Fall Mini-Session season every year. Not only is Fall my favorite season- the decor, the pumpkin spice candles, the slight crisp in the air (this IS California, after all!) and the promise of the festivities in the upcoming months. I also love this season because it’s when I get to see all of my families that I photograph every year and see how they’ve grown. It’s also so very special when I get to meet a new family and capture their unique dynamic. I just loved meeting the Noubakht Family! They are so sweet and easy-going and I could truly feel the closeness of this family. Such a joy to have a sneak peek into their family’s love.
I loved how silly this brother and sister duo were! You could see how much they adore each other and how fun it is for them to goof off! And that Scarlett’s infectious giggle and huge, bright smile made my entire day. No. My entire week! She’s just the cutest!
Thank you, Noubakht Family! I had a blast capturing you all and hope to continue to watch your family grow. Enjoy! XO


